Our journey begins...
In the coach, to while away the time, we play 'Battleships',...
read books,...
look out of the window and count the miles...
At the bee farm,...
read books,...
look out of the window and count the miles...
At the bee farm,...
'Can you see the queen bee?'
Tasting the honey...
Lots of food for lunch at Orna Country Club,
but Victor's favourite is the chicken wings.
but Victor's favourite is the chicken wings.
At the Malay Village, we learn a little about Silat.
First you stand firm,...
First you stand firm,...
Then show your 'claws',...
Now, you punch!
Now, you punch!
Shawn trying his hand at spinning a top.
First, you have to twirl the rope round and round...
First, you have to twirl the rope round and round...
Hey! It's spinning!
Batik painting is fun!
Parents and siblings join in.
Parents and siblings join in.
In the beginning, Zhi Sheng is a bit shaky...
... but he perseveres...
... and hey presto! What a lovely piece of art!
Isn't this cool?
Our completed work.
We learn about rubber tapping too.
Come, touch the latex and smell it.
Yup! It smells like coconut milk.
Yup! It smells like coconut milk.
We also smell the curry plant leaves.
It smells like... curry, of course.
It smells like... curry, of course.
The guide then shows us how to turn the latex into a piece of rubber.
Leona and James helping to knead the 'dough'.
Hui Tat is sliding the rubber sheet through while Matthew is turning the wheel.
The finished product is a tough sheet of rubber.
Next, the guide leads us into a typical Malay Village house.
She is dressing Kelly up in a sarong.
She is dressing Kelly up in a sarong.
This is another way to fold the sarong.
You can't enter this miniature replica of a Malay house.
This is where the Malay groom and bride sit during their wedding ceremony.
Zhi Yong and Mavis are just the models, hee hee.
Zhi Yong and Mavis are just the models, hee hee.
Zhi Sheng and Jun Loong showing us the tools found in the Malay house.
Mr Yaidi showing Hmu how to make a ketaput.
'Look at our lovely ketaputs!' (Well, just look at Vanessa's and Leona's.)
Hey! We can reach the mango! But no plucking, please!
Nope! But we remember how it tastes like!
A sumptuous spread...
... followed by a sweet dessert.
The soft toys are a good buy!
The soft toys are a good buy!
Four in a room is cosier... um... I mean seven, including the soft toys.